2021 California Employer Compliance Checklist

2020 presented California employers with unprecedented challenges including an onslaught of fast-moving protocols and obligations arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 will bring new challenges, some but not all of which are tied to the pandemic.

With ongoing stay-at-home and other public health instructions, supplemental sick leave laws, federal COVID-19 paid sick leave obligations, and other changes including new, non-COVID-19 enactments of the California legislature set to take effect in 2021, the path to compliance in the new year is daunting.

Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick is here to help.

Now is the time to recognize the challenges faced by your business and refine your employment risk management strategies. We have created this checklist to assist with workplace compliance considerations on the 2021 horizon.

Please click the link below to download a copy of the 2021 California Employer Compliance Checklist.

2021 California Employer Compliance Checklist