The materials on this website are intended to be for informational purposes only and are not intended to be treated as legal advice. Each legal problem depends on its particular facts, and different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations. Because of these differences, you should not act or rely on any information from this website without seeking the advice of a competent attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction. Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick attorneys practice primarily in California. The firm makes no representation that materials on this website are appropriate or available for use in jurisdictions other than California. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. In the event the materials do not comply with the rules of a particular jurisdiction, the firm is unable to assume representation that would otherwise arise from that communication.
Neither the website nor the use of information from the website creates an attorney-client relationship. We will neither accept requests for legal advice nor offer specific legal advice over the Internet. In the event that this website does not comply with the legal or ethical requirements of a particular state, Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick is not willing to accept representation of clients based upon their review of any portions of this website that do not comply. In engaging a lawyer and deciding what lawyer to engage, whether this firm or another, you may consider the information in this website but, of course, should consider all other relevant factors as well. You should not rely on or act on any information from this Website without consulting with a competent attorney(s) licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction. This website constitutes both a communication and/or solicitation as defined by California Rules of Professional Conduct, rule 1-400.
Electronic mail is provided as a convenience in communicating with the attorneys at Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick. Please be advised, contact by E-mail to Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick, or a specific attorney, does not alone create an attorney-client relationship. Please remember Internet E-mail is not secure and messages sent to the firm or any of its employees or attorneys should not contain sensitive or confidential information.
This website may contain links to other Internet websites. These links are provided to aid in the search for relevant legal and other information of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick is affiliated or associated with, endorses, sponsors, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, trademark, logo or copyright.
To the extent the Bar Rules require us to designate a principal office and/or single attorney responsible for this site, Dunn DeSantis Walt & Kendrick designates San Diego, California as its office location and designates Kevin DeSantis as the attorney responsible for this site.
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